Call Of Chernobyl Trader Mod
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The Zone features a limited economy, with traders and inhabitants exchanging goods and services for money and items. The game's trading system differs from the previous editions in that weapons and armor that have degraded past a certain point are unable to be sold until they are repaired, at which point the repair costs usually offset the sell price. Traders also sell information on missions and are keen to buy valuable documents.
Several factions reside in the Zone: Loners, Bandits, Mercenaries, Scientists, Zombified Stalkers, Military, Monolith, Duty, and Freedom, the two latter ones being ideologically motivated; control and anarchy, respectively. Despite the Yanov station cease-fire, fights will occasionally break out outside designated Safe Zones. At some certain spots of Zaton and Jupiter groups of Mercenaries, both neutral and hostile to the player, appear. The player's relations to the factions are commonly neutral. However, Zombified Stalkers and Monoliths are hostile towards all characters.
5.45×39 is the most readily available rifle ammo, with many traders being able to trade it for artifacts. You can also buy bulk 5.45 from a military trader in the Swamps in exchange for written checks. A steady supply of 7.62×39 or 9×39 or 7.62×54 will involve artifact trading with some of the biggest traders, or trading other types of ammo for it with Arnie once again. 5.56×45 and 7.62×51 are similar but involve different traders along with Arnie.
As for the guns themselves? Many mods are inconsistent with the quality of their weapon models and sounds, but that is not the case here. The consistency is that of a game, not a mod. The weapon selection is richer and better balanced than in any of the official S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games, with balance being far more intelligent than any mod as well. Animation quality is that of early 2010s AAA games, making for a big step up over the base games and most mods besides GUNSLINGER. In fact, recoil is presented more realistically here than the vast majority of games.
NLC 7 is all about making characters more like actual people opposed to quest-giving bots or trading bots. People want different things, people have different specialties. Russian Rubles, the currency of S.T.A.L.K.E.R., is only good for every day items in NLC 7 (as well as some bribes). When trading with people like Barkeep, Sidorovich, and other traders, you can use rubles to buy things like energy drinks, pistol ammo, other misc items which varies based on the trader.
The existential terror here is powerful. This monolithic crystal is some kind of cosmic entity that invaded our world nearly undetected. It seems to have the power of a deity. It does not merely destroy like some simple beast, it gradually but perhaps methodically influences human conscience on a planetary scale, and in negative ways. After the Brain Scorcher is disabled, we see that this entity has the ability to wipe all emotion from people. What if it did this across our entire planet? Or what if this rise in mental illness continues to get worse, how far will that go? Will it stop with humans? How do you stop it?
I recall seeing a video clip of Gunslinger way back in 2014 of an encounter with a controller, one of Stalker's most-dreaded mutants. Unlike the vanilla attack of psychic bolts that can eventually kill a player, the modded controller in Gunslinger can actually force the player to raise their pistol under their own chin and pull the trigger or stab themselves in the gut with their own knife. It's a difficult sequence to forget, especially due to the skillful animation that shows the struggle of the player to fight the deadly mind control:
//---------------------------------------------------------------- Catalogue Start if (_dikCode == 0x15) then { []execVM "scripts\catalogue\catalog_menu.sqf"; }; private ["_isBusy"]; _isBusy = player getVariable["isBusy",false]; if (_isBusy) then { if (_dikCode == 0x05) then { [15,preview_bot] call fnc_rotate_bot; [15,vehicle_bot] call fnc_rotate_bot; }; if (_dikCode == 0x07) then { [-15,preview_bot] call fnc_rotate_bot; [-15,vehicle_bot] call fnc_rotate_bot; }; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------- Catalogue End
if (!isDedicated) then { call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\Configs\CfgServerTraderZSC\chernarus11.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\compile\keyboard.sqf";
fnc_usec_selfActions = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf"; player_selectSlot = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\compile\ui_selectSlot.sqf"; locateVehicle = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\locateVehicle.sqf"; remoteVehicle = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\remoteVehicle\remoteVehicle.sqf"; local_lockUnlock = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\compile\local_lockUnlock.sqf"; //---------------------------------------------------------------- Catalogue Start weapon_preview = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\catalogue\weapon_preview.sqf"; vehicle_preview = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\catalogue\vehicle_preview.sqf"; trader_preview = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\catalogue\trader_preview.sqf"; fnc_rotate_bot = { private ["_dir","_input","_bot"]; disableSerialization; _input = _this select 0; _bot = _this select 1; _dir = getDir _bot; _dir = _dir + _input; _bot setDir _dir; };//---------------------------------------------------------------- Catalogue End};
// Epoch Additions s_player_packvault = -1; s_player_lockvault = -1; s_player_unlockvault = -1; s_player_attack = -1; s_player_callzombies = -1; s_player_showname = -1; s_player_pzombiesattack = -1; s_player_pzombiesvision = -1; s_player_pzombiesfeed = -1; s_player_tamedog = -1; s_player_parts_crtl = -1; s_player_movedog = -1; s_player_speeddog = -1; s_player_calldog = -1; s_player_feeddog = -1; s_player_waterdog = -1; s_player_staydog = -1; s_player_trackdog = -1; s_player_barkdog = -1; s_player_warndog = -1; s_player_followdog = -1; s_player_information = -1; s_player_fuelauto = -1; s_player_fuelauto2 = -1; s_player_fillgen = -1; s_player_upgrade_build = -1; s_player_maint_build = -1; s_player_downgrade_build = -1; s_player_towing = -1; s_halo_action = -1; s_player_SurrenderedGear = -1; s_player_maintain_area = -1; s_player_maintain_area_force = -1; s_player_maintain_area_preview = -1; s_player_heli_lift = -1; s_player_heli_detach = -1; s_player_lockUnlock_crtl = -1; s_player_lockUnlockInside_ctrl = -1; s_player_toggleSnap = -1; s_player_toggleSnapSelect = -1; snapActions = -1; s_player_plot_boundary = -1; s_player_plotManagement = -1; s_player_toggleDegree = -1; degreeActions = -1; s_player_toggleVector = -1; vectorActions = -1; s_player_manageDoor = -1; s_player_hide_body = -1; s_player_changeDoorCode = -1; s_player_changeVaultCode = -1; s_givemoney_dialog = -1; s_bank_dialog = -1; s_bank_dialog1 = -1; s_bank_dialog2 = -1; s_bank_dialog3 = -1; s_player_checkWallet = -1; s_garage_dialog = -1; s_player_bury_human = -1; s_player_butcher_human = -1; s_player_gdoor_opener = []; s_player_gdoor_opener_ctrl = -1; s_player_clothes = -1; s_player_copyToKey = -1; s_player_claimVehicle = -1; }; call dayz_resetSelfActions;};
serverTraders = ["trader_catalog","BAF_Soldier_SniperH_MTP","FR_AC","GUE_Commander","GUE_Woodlander2","RU_Citizen4","Profiteer1","Rita_Ensler_EP1","Dr_Hladik_EP1","Worker2","Villager1","TK_CIV_Worker01_EP1","CIV_EuroMan01_EP1","CIV_EuroMan02_EP1","RU_WorkWoman5","Doctor","Worker1","TK_CIV_Worker02_EP1","Rocker4","RU_Citizen3","RU_WorkWoman1","Dr_Annie_Baker_EP1","Worker3","RU_Pilot","RU_Villager3","HouseWife1","Profiteer2","Profiteer3","Functionary1_EP1"];
menu_trader_catalog= [ [//Start of categories [ "BLACKMARKET",11], [ "ATTACHMENTS",12], [ "PISTOLS",13], [ "SUB MACHINE GUNS",14], [ "SINGLESHOT",15], [ "ASSAULT RIFLES",16], [ "SNIPER RIFLES",17], [ "LIGHT MACHINE GUNS",18], [ "PISTOL AMMO",19], [ "SUB MACHINEGUN AMMO",20], [ "SINGLE SHOT AMMO",21], [ "ASSAULT RIFLE AMMO",22], [ "SNIPER RIFLE AMMO",23], [ "LIGHT MACHINEGUN AMMO",24], [ "PACKAGEFOOD",27], [ "COOKMEAT",28], [ "DRINKS",29], [ "CLOTHES",30], [ "BACKPACKS",31], [ "MISCELLANEOUS",32], [ "MEDICAL SUPPLIES",33], [ "SMOKE GRENADES",25], [ "FLARES",26], [ "TOOLS",34], [ "BUILDING SUPPLIES",35], [ "VEHICLE PARTS",36], [ "BIKES ATVS",37], [ "CARS",38], [ "PICKUPS",39], [ "UAZS",40], [ "SUVS",41], [ "CARGO TRUCKS",42], [ "FUEL TRUCKS",43], [ "MILITARY UNARMED",44], [ "MISCELLANEOUS VEHICLES",45], [ "BOATS ARMED",48], [ "BOATS UNARMED",49], [ "AIRPLANES",46], [ "HELICOPTER",47]//End of categories ], [], "neutral"];
Do you see anything wrong with this config? I assume it's probably broken because I'm using chernarus11.sqf instead of server_traders.sqf but I don't have a server_traders.sqf and did not find one in any of my folders. Any ideas how I can make this work? Thanks for your help! 2b1af7f3a8