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Initialize the environment variable PARSEC_ROOT to the directory where you downloaded PARSEC. This will ensure that plugins are loaded from the directory where they were downloaded. This may not be necessary if you are using the development versions of PARSEC and the plugins.
The meta package contains all the core packages plus PARSEC, PARSEC.sim, PARSEC.acs, PARSEC.acu, PARSEC.diff, PARSEC.part and PARSEC.thin. You can run all of the above packages from this single directory. If you download PARSEC source code then you would assume suitably strong system permissions.
Download PARSEC 3.0 consisting of: PARSEC, PARSEC.sim, PARSEC.acs, PARSEC.acu, PARSEC.diff, PARSEC.part and PARSEC.thin. Note that if you downloaded PARSEC source code, as well as the core distribution, then you must provide sufficient system permissions to use the source code files.
Downloads: Main download page, including links to source code and precompiled versions on the Installing Ruby page. If you run Windows, get the latest RubyInstaller for 2.x and select all of the options when you install it. Recent versions of the OS X developer tools include a current version of Ruby. If you have an older version of OS X an easy way to get the current version of Ruby is to install Homebrew - see the instructions on the Ruby installation page.
So, for instance, Spanish language movies with Spanish subtitles. Maybe you have to watch it once with English subtitles to get the point, but there is something about seeing the situation, the words spoken, and the words written that locks it all together. I wish I had time to do this more often. d2c66b5586