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emphasized clinical topics where progress in basic sciencehas led to new clinical applications, and briefly reviewedcurrent general clinical topics that involve significantbasic science concepts underlying the immunologicresponse. Fifth, we have added sections that con-sist of information regarding human disorders that resultfrom immune dysfunction or malfunction. We hope thatstudents will find these additions valuable. Sixth, wehave provided references to other related textbooks thathave been published in the last few years. Finally,we have made the text easier to read by including par-agraph indentations for emphasis and by using a whiterand bolder typeface.The primary goal has been to provide a text that canbe used as a companion to a course on basic immunology oras a source for background information on specific topics.This is particularly useful for medical students (the book can beused in a course titled "Immunology of Humans"). The targetaudience is anyone who needs a general backgroundinfluence in the immune system, such as medical students, clinicalstudents, as well as postdoctoral scientists, faculty,and health professionals. We also hope to interest adisable general audience relying on the Internet forbasic immunology information. The text can also serve as adiscussion - based source for students of other disciplines whowould enjoy delving into the subject. In addition to thetext and tables, book includes a larger set of figures in theappendix. The figures comprise a collection of uniquereal images, including electron micrographs, which arethemselves unique in the field of biology. Theseimages have been carefully selected to illustrate theFUNDAMENTALS OF IMMUNOLOGY or simplest and mostconvincing aspects of immunologic phenomena.
The limitation of illustration is in dealing with the variety ofimmune system response, structures of immune cells andtissues a topic that our textbook is not well suited to in thesetting of a one year or one semester course. Thosewho are interested in all facets of the immune response canfind the appropriate texts in other books and journals. Thetext is not meant to be a complete text but only a guide to thefundamental principles and biology of the immune system. d2c66b5586