Download Code Stb Emu (pro) Txt
After the update starts, STB reads the update_list.txt file from the update server. The address of the update_list.txt file, which contains information about the latest software version, is stored in STB in autoupdateURL variable. In standard software version (provided by the manufacturer) the following address is specified ( - Basic model number): _list.txt For example, for MAG254: _list.txt
Machines with the ARC or AlphaBIOS console firmware wereintended for WindowsNT. Some have SRM console firmware available inthe system ROMs which you only have to select (via an ARC orAlphaBIOS menu). In other cases you will have to re-flash the ROMswith SRM code. Check on to see what isavailable for your particular system. In any case: no SRM meansno FreeBSD (or NetBSD, OpenBSD, Tru64 Unixor OpenVMS for that matter). With the demise of WindowsNT/alpha alot of former NT boxes are sold on the second hand market. Theyhave little or no trade-in value when they are NT-only from theconsole firmware perspective. So, be suspicious if the priceappears too good.
As part of the SRM you will get the so called OSF/1 PAL code(OSF/1 being the initial name of Digital's UNIX offering on Alpha).The PAL code can be thought of as a software abstraction layerbetween the hardware and the operating system. It uses normal CPUinstruction plus a handful of privileged instructions specific forPAL use. PAL is not microcode. The ARC console firmware contains adifferent PAL code, geared towards WinNT and in no way suitable foruse by FreeBSD (or more generic: Unix or OpenVMS). Before someoneasks: Linux/alpha brings its own PAL code, allowing it to boot onARC and AlphaBIOS. There are various reasons why this is not a verygood idea in the eyes of the *BSD folks. I don't want to go intodetails here. If you are interested in the gory details search theFreeBSD and NetBSD web sites.
NoNames can either have SRM or ARCconsole firmware in their Flash ROM. The Flash ROM is not bigenough to hold both ARC and SRM at the same time and allow softwareselection of alternate console code. But you only need SRManyway.
MX5 has problems with DMA via the 2 64-bit PCI slots when thisDMA crosses a page boundary. The 32 bit slots don't have thisproblem because the PCI-PCI bridge chip does not allow theoffending transfers. The SRM code knows about the problem andrefuses to start the system if there is a PCI card in one of the64bit slots that it does not know about. Cards that are ``knowngood'' to the SRM are allowed to be used in the 64bit slots.
Birds can be obtained from surplus sales etc. As they are notPCI based they are no longer actively maintained. TC expansionboards can be difficult to obtain these days and support for themis not too good unless you write/debug the code yourself.Programming information for TC boards is hard to find. Birds arerecommended only if a. you can get them cheap and b. if youprepared to work on the code to support them better.
On PC164SX the AlphaBIOS allows you a selection to select SRM tobe used as console on the next power up. This selection does notappear to have any effect. In other words, you will get theAlphaBIOS regardless of what you select. The fix is to reflash theconsole ROM with the SRM code for PC164SX. This will overwrite theAlphaBIOS and will get you the SRM console you desire. The SRM codecan be found on the Compaq Web site.
The PCI and ISA expansion busses are fully supported. TurboChannel is not in GENERIC and has limitedsupport (see the relevant machine model info). The MCA bus is notsupported. The EISA bus is not supported for use with EISAexpansion cards as the EISA support code is lacking. ISA cards inEISA slots are reported to work. The Compaq Qvision EISA VGA cardis driven in ISA mode and works OK as a console. 59ce067264