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A straight-through serial cable uses one connector on each end and is commonly referred to as a serial cable. When such a cable is used, each device can use the same pinout; pin1 for ground, pin2 for data or RTS, and pin3 for DSR, DCS or CTS (depending on the specific installation and device). The pinout of a DTE and DCE are identical but there are some characteristics that you can learn about each. An Explanation of terms is given in the description. For applications using RTS, DTR, and DSR the same functionality can be obtained using internal connections on the DTE and DCE. Moreover, by tying together the RTS and DTR lines, the value of the DSR can be inverted. See pinout for RS232.
An RS232 line pinout is set by the standard and can be used independently of the cable pinout. The following table shows the pinouts of an RS232-type cable and a RS232 CRT monitor in accordance with ITU Standard RS232-E and related standards. The following terms are explained in the following table: d2c66b5586