Weekend - La Variete (1983) 14
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Inventiones mathematicae (1983) In Other Databases GDZ ZBMath On Google Scholar Articles by M. Raynaud Search for Related Content Add to Personal Lists You must be logged in to use personal lists.
17. Banyaga, A. The mass flow homomorphism and topologicalextensions of the group of homeomorphisms. Proceedings ofthe IUTAM-ISIMM symposium on modern developments in analyticalmechanics, Vol. I (Torino, 1982). Atti Accad. Sci. Torino Cl.Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. 117 (1983), suppl. 1, 35--38.
16 . Banyaga, A.; Urwin, R. W. On the cohomologyof the diffeomorphisms group. Proceedings of the IUTAM-ISIMMsymposium on modern developments in analytical mechanics, Vol.I (Torino, 1982). Atti Accad. Sci. Torino Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur.117 (1983), suppl. 1, 7--34.
In addition, there are five commuter train lines that cross Paris: RER A, B, C, D, and E. RER trains run at intervals varying from about 3 minutes (RER A) to 6 minutes (RER D), and stop at every station within Paris. The rest of the regional network, called \"Transilien\", departs from the main train stations (Lyon for line R, Est for line P, Nord for lines H and K, St-Lazare for lines J and L, Montparnasse for line N) and La Défense (line U). Trains can run up to every 5 minutes during rush hour, and you will never have to wait for more than 1 hour between two trains, even on the least served lines in the evening or on the weekend. Do note that the Transilien is marginally less crowded than the RER and even the Metro. 153554b96e