I've been on a health journey and I stumbled upon something quite fascinating. It's called hormone therapy and it's supposed to help with a range of things from anti-aging to boosting immunity. Here's where I found out about it: https://ways2well.com/blog/how-to-know-if-you-need-a-methyl-detox-profile-test . I'm thinking about giving it a shot. Curious if anyone else has tried it?
I've been on a health journey and I stumbled upon something quite fascinating. It's called hormone therapy and it's supposed to help with a range of things from anti-aging to boosting immunity. Here's where I found out about it: https://ways2well.com/blog/how-to-know-if-you-need-a-methyl-detox-profile-test . I'm thinking about giving it a shot. Curious if anyone else has tried it?